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-profile- 3rd October constantly and sometimes involuntarily participating in the good and bad insanities of life. lives in the 90's yet loves 21st century decadence. fallenskies@hotmail.com -the others- aisha valerie vanessa pamela ernie su yee catherine shirlene angela jean yahui kelvin ben sharon brian sean ikram marion jianhao geoffrey eileen fiona yoshiki -previous- -board- |
Saturday, February 24, 2007 and the song of the year at this year's grammy awards went to the dixie chicks' "not ready to make nice". and rightly deserved, too. listen to the lyrics, set against a country-pop melody carefully and it is evident that "not ready to make nice" is more than just a song, it's a strong statement about sticking to your guns, standing by your principles and not blindly toeing the line and buckling against pressure from everybody else. the song itself was a stand-up to the huge backlash they received from (ex) fans and the media as well as many of their fellow americans in general when singer natalie maines, in a 2003 concert in london, expressed shame that "the president of the united states is from texas" just ten days before the american invasion of iraq. it was a statement that decried the decision to invade, as well as one that mirrored the sentiments of many around the world, americans themselves included. and it was also an act that resulted in half of their concert tour dates in america being canceled, as well as a huge decline in album sales and radio airplay, and we're talking about a group whose previous two albums debuted at number one on many charts. the country music scene was, and still is, a conservative one, and this contributed in the huge boycotts and death threats that the chicks received following that statement. the chicks may have garnered a large number of haters, but the grammy, the result of votes from a great many esteemed individuals in the recording industry, showed that they there are still many who support and respect them for standing up and speaking out against what they think is wrong, the fact that the person in question is the president of what is arguably the world's premier superpower notwithstanding. and that is further substantiated by the fact that their stand took the form of a totally rockin' song. freedom of expression. that's what america is most widely said to have been built on. and these ladies have shown just that - they are americans, and they express what they feel without fear, because they know that they believe in what they believe with very good reason. it's a refreshing change from the many people who choose to allow societal pressure to impose conformity among them and to give in to the need for human validation by being sycophantic. it's not a secret, too. most, if not all of us have been there and done that at one time or another, in one way or another. and in doing so, in a way, we allow ourselves to be controlled, albeit to a certain degree, by others, society, politicians or whatever. and that is, in a way, having some part of the only thing nobody is supposed to be able to touch in a person, that is his or her beliefs, taken away. the chicks were told to "shut up and sing". they did just that, and they showed us all just exactly how to do it -- in style. you go, girls. Thursday, February 15, 2007 february. also known as the second month of the gregorian calendar. the final month of winter, and the beginning of spring, where, traditionally, planting begins, after a barren winter, and the anticipation of bountiful summer and fall harvests run high. the author would like to mention that in japan, the bursts of color of cherry blossoms in springtime are an awesome sight. february also means that examinations are getting closer (the author regrets not being able to think of a more visceral adjective to emphasise the urgency of the situation, which is, as a fighter pilot would say, "bogey at twelve o clock high!", though this is more like twelve o' fucking clock high.) and it is common knowledge that a good fighter pilot/olympic athlete/secret agent/serial killer/college (or university for the brit-oriented people out there) student is always calm in the face of adversity, no matter how overwhelming the odds. well... almost always. it would be nice to wish everyone the best for the examinations, but this being a dog-eat-dog world where darwin, not einstein's theories (taken from the black ex-marine dude from prison break) determine survival, perhaps the good wishes are better saved for self and friends. close friends. after all, the higher points on the grade curve are but so limited. that said, though, it is always good to seriously consider altruism as a favourable alternative and collect good karma. and so, to the ones who will be facing examinations/tests, big or small, to the ones who are facing the larger trials and tribulations of life, and to all in general, looking up at the same sky, all the best, people. vaya con dios. |